Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

What is Business Impact Analysis?

Business Impact Analysis is a process that identifies and prioritises business activities and resources that need to be recovered in the event of an organisational failure. The business impact analysis helps an organisation anticipate disruption’s consequences and obtain the information required for recovery strategies.

How It Works

The Business Impact Analysis Application was developed based on ISO/TS 22317, NIST SP 800-34 Rev. 1 and the experience of expert business continuity and information security teams. You can use the application to identify the impact of downtime, resource requirements, and resource recovery priorities in business process failure.

Why You Need It

  • Document critical activities and resources of the organisation, as well as essential indicators of contingency in one place.
  • Automate calculations to prioritise activities and resources concerning business objectives.
  • Gain quick information on the changing needs of the organisation.
  • Have information on where the necessary resources are located in the event of failure of a priority activity.

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